Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Good Card, Bad Card #5

Good Card: Exocomp

Why: It's a good meta card. If you suspect somebody is bringing battle you can toss a couple of these bad boys in. It also gives a little help, but they still get rocked by kills from battle. You can't rock Exo's and ETU's, not unless you don't want any personnel. Funny, instead of giving a personnel with the new Malcom Reed ability they should've given it to a personnel. Just a thought.....

Bad Card: Uninvited

Why: They didn't consider some things when making this card. One, it needed some sort of cost. Two, the 0-cost Excaliban Drama. The ability to download a bad dilemma with a bad interrupt makes me a sad clown. Also, you can give Tragic Turn a boost by downloading Entaglement and getting +3 to spend. Basically, it cost nothing to do something awesome.

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