Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Good Card, Bad Card #18

Trilithium Heist didn't get the 100% support that the new Opaka did, but it was still rated highly positive in the poll. Extreme Measures was looking like an all-star set so far, then Charlie sends me "Isabella". One question, has anyone ever used the persistent keyword ability? Put the dilemma back after you opponent solves the mission? No, the answer is nobody ever has. I've never seen it. Ever. So Isabella will never see the light of day. She'll be stuck in your binder, behind today's 'bad card'. Unless they make some pretty potent persistent dilemmas in the future this card is useless. Personally, I would've thrown in 'cannot gain skills' on the card too. Most persistent dilemmas are 1-cost stoppers and the only good walls require one skill x3. It needs to stop personnel from gaining skills from cheaters as well as abilities. Bottom line, I think keywords are overrated and don't need to be a big part of the game. We certainly didn't need this terrible keyword added by Decipher in the last set they made. Our two card suggestions today come from Nathan Miracle, a.k.a GooeyChewie. If you want to make a suggestion all you have to do is troll the chat room on trekcc.org from time to time and find me.

Good Card: Distant Exploration

Why: I always liked this card. The only time I really played it was in a Borg deck. Download all three with You've Always Been My Favorite and go for the 2 mission win. It's cheap, only 2 counters. So the cost/reward ratio is fantastic. With Extreme Measure all about gaining 5 and spending 5 I think this card will see more play in the future. They should have made more incentive for DS9 decks to do gamma quadrant missions. Their flavor as an affiliation never really had a focus early on. Now it's about being able to protect your events, which is fine. Holding Cell kinda steals their fun a little bit. It's such a strong card you have to use it when playing DS9. After Peak Performance, I don't like being forced to play cards. It's starting to annoy me.

Bad Card: Greed

Why: If I'm lucky, what's the highest number of dilemmas I might get in my opponent core? 2 or 3. 4 if my dilemma pile is super focused on doing that. This won't happen until late game anyways. So here's a drawing card that doesn't let me draw cards until mid or late game. Why the hell would I want that? On top of that terrible scenario, I have to pay a cost. Discard a card to to it, really? I think by now you should let me get those draws for free. What if by late game my guy with Treachery x2 is dead? Then I would want to kill myself. I guess the thought was the 0-cost made it playable. It didn't. They should've drop it to a Treachery personnel, and drop the cost. Even then I wouldn't play it. You would have to make 2 draws for ever dilemma. Even then.......

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