Friday, March 11, 2011

Ruling New Jersey- Volume 2, Issue 2

Kris Sonsteby is worse than Hitler. That's right, I said it. Now, for those of you who don't know. Kris will try to sue the Continuing Committee because I said that. For starters, Kris doesn't understand what the term "Libel" means. He should look that up. Two, I'm confused how the CC is responsible for anything I say. What's going on here is a bully not getting his way. And when he can't bully me, he goes after the Chairman of the CC. He threatens, with hostility and profanity, the Chairman that unless I'm banned he'll sue. Sounds like a bully to me.

How childish and pathetic of you Kris. Of course your threats are without merit. There is no case. I've cause you no damage, except to your fragile ego. But you would risk the years of hard work that CC members have put into the game, all the players who benefit from the work the CC does, all because..... John Corbett said mean things about you?

No, that's not quite it, is it Kris? What are you really mad about? I don't have to recall too far back how much you hated the CC years ago. How offended you were when you weren't asked to be a member when it was founded. This isn't 100% about the big, bad John Corbett. It's about a vendetta you've had for the CC since it was created.

What else is this about, Kris? I know you have other personal problem going on in your life. I'm not sure what those are, but you said so yourself. I know from my own experience when things are going bad in life you don't think straight. Things that are unimportant seem like life or death. Maybe you've lost perspective Kris? I hope that's the case.

So what we have here is a stressed out guy, who holds an old grudge, and is lashing out at the wrong people. Kris, the CC isn't responsible for anything I say or do. They fired me because of you. They can't ban me just because you don't like me. If your issues are with me, then deal with me alone.

You say you'll do "whatever it takes". That mean you would destroy an entire global community to save your ego and a few MN players? I know you guys would be content to stay in your bubble and play with each other. The rest of us like going to big events and playing with players throughout the world.

Things are not as they seem Kris. This isn't the grand arena. You are not the noble hero. I am not the evil villain. Because at the end of the day, I welcome you with open arms and an open heart. I love my enemies. I hold no grudges, no anger towards you. You speak of "long-held beliefs and principles that are the bedrock of what defines me at the core", but what are those Kris? Anger, hate, being a bully? Principles aren't words Kris, they're actions. If I'm your enemy Kris, then here I am. You have to open your arms and and heart and let me in.

Jesus and I love you, Kris.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

o shit, Kris isn't gonna like this! :D