Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Good Card, Bad Card #28

Americans don't like black people telling them what to do. I saw on the tv the other day somebody giving Michelle Obama grief for her campaign against childhood obesity. Really...... Really? I don't recall Nancy Reagan getting heat for "Just Say No." I don't recall Laura Bush catching flak for promoting literacy. A First Lady picks a cause and runs with it, that's how it works. America's fat kids are a serious problem, I don't understand how any person could make it political. Hell, when I was in school I remember The Terminator (Arnold) promoting physical fitness. You can't blame video games, you can't blame the internet, you can only blame yourself. I got three kids, luckily they inherited their mother's Skeletor-like metabolism. Even so, on a nice afternoon or during the weekend, I kicked them out of the house, make them go outside. Kids need play, it's that simple. It doesn't help that we feed out children too much crap either. Too much McDonalds, too much cheap food from the supermarket. Things full of preservative, like Ramen Noodles. Poverty plays a role in it too. America's poor are living off the dollar menu and crap food. That's all they have access too. There's no Whole Foods store near them. Even if they could get there they couldn't afford any of the whole wheat stuff. America's healthcare system is already a joke, what happens when these kids grow up to be unhealthy adults? Making insurance companies even richer, that's what.

Good Card: D'deridex Advanced

Why: Romulan engines suck, it's just a fact of live. But this 6-7-7 ship is really 8-9-9, unless you really screwed up building your deck. Only once did I find myself on this ship without an intelligence person aboard. The best part is, you get the attribute boost without any extra staffing icon. The only draw back of this ship is being forced to look at the image. When they made 2E premier they wanted to be different, so they decided to use the ass-end of of ship for an image on some of them. Some of these ships, like this one, are just terrible. I know there are only so many ways to show a Romulan ship, but still, I don't need to see the asscrack of Warbird.

Bad Card: Virtual Reality Headset

Why: First it broke the new Weyoun and ruined Worlds. Now, after the errata, it's a useless card. The Will of the Collective has failed. I never really followed it on the CC's message boards. All I know it's 0 for 2 making cards. Hopefully they don't go for the 'silver sombrero' (that's 3 strikeouts in baseball for my non-US readers) and just make a simple card next time.
Today's Pic: BenHosp enjoying a PBR tallboy during a game of Twilight Imperium. Sadly, while he was enjoying it I snuck in and claimed the throne by 1 victory point.

1 comment:

Scott Baughman said...

You don't remember Nancy Reagan catching flak for "Just say No" ? How old are you? She caught plenty of flak for that idea. Not from me, mind you, but she did. Totally agree the VR Headset change killed it. Here's hoping the WotC does better with Mudd. Hmm...that acronym is Wizards of the Coast...I think I know why it fails now.