Thursday, January 20, 2011

Good Card, Bad Card #15

Since Johannes Klarhauser, a.k.a Kaiser, told me my pictures sucked and I need better quality here's a better picture of "the shelf". Top right corner, bottle of '02 Dom Perignon. To be opened when I win Worlds or next Phillies Worlds Series victory, whatever comes first. What kind of German chooses "Kaiser" as handle anyways? After a guy who loses a war and ruins his country. That's like me having the handle "Bush" or "Nixon". What wrong Johannes, somebody already had the handle "Fuhrer"? :)

Good Card: Moral Choice
Why: Problem, TNG is really strong winning multible Worlds. This was a good choice to slow them down. It was a little heavy-handed, but it needed to be done. What I don't like about it is that it hurt decks that weren't nearly as strong, like Maquis, DS9, and Voyager. But 'playing blue', as I call it, is what most players fall back on in big events. I was guilty of this one year, and I got what I deserved, getting knocked out in the quarter-finals. We needed something to get people playing other affiliations, and this got the job done.

Bad Card: Hall of Warriors
Why: If you don't want to help an affiliation that is already good then don't make them a card at all. Klingon ships don't need a weapons or shields boost. The only thing they need help with is their crappy range. So the attributes +1 is really meaningless. Where you really lose me is the cost of the card. 3 is way too much. The risk/reward is too much for an easily destroyable event. If this card cost zero, like Noble Cause (one of the few 'good cards' from Fractured Time), I would consider it. But right now the most useful thing it does is serve as 'cannon fodder' when I glue V-cards to it.

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