Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Good Card, Bad Card #11

The Chairman, Mr. Charlie Plaine, was nice enough to send me a spoiler to show to you all. The next set is all about scoring 5, losing 5. I'm not sure how I feel about the new mechanic of quick 5 points. I think At What Cost? is going to be a hot card again. On the bright side, maybe you'll see people rocking Khan! more now. As for the new Opaka, I don't see anything wrong with her. She's sacrificing her normal super-high integrity for that 5 points and ability. That's a fair trade. I don't think you'll see her as a future "Bad Card".

As for our 'Good Card, Bad Card' in issue #11, they are nominated today by Josh Sheets, a.k.a. prylardurden. I ask for some nominations in the chat room and these were his two suggestions.

Good Card: Biogenic Weapon

Why: I had to think about this one. I never thought of this card as good for the game before. But now, since there is more event destruction, it's a good card to keep people honest. Josh said it makes people play missions they can actually do. This is true, and makes it a 'good card'. If you stock Historical Research, you better be able to solve it if you need to. It also makes people think twice before they play a deck with 3 space and 1 planet, or 3 planet and 1 space.

Bad Card: Korath, Duplicitous Tinkerer

Why: Josh didn't have to sell me on this one. I've hated Korath for a long time. He gives Klingons an advantage that no other affiliation has. He was the Steel Curtain defense for Neil Timmons' (Ben Hosp's) World winning Krudge/Mara/Tragic Turn monster deck. Emergency Transporter Unit is his best friend, you can play it multiple times if someone gets selected to be killed. He can be downloaded with Guidance of the Council. He has a future icon, so he can be used with Hindrance. He does more for 4 cost then even Kirk, Living Legend.

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