Sunday, March 13, 2011

Good Card, Bad Card #32

I have never performed worse in a tournament than I just did today. My Romulan Far Seeing Eyes decks started 0-3, including a 5 point timed loss. I got a redeeming victory against Alex and his Ferengi (Ferengi hate exobiology apparently), but that doesn't really matter. For some reason, this time, I'm not in rampage mode over a certain card. BenHosp won with OT Kirk, coming back since last playing in last year's NA Continental Championship. Imagine that, an OT Kirk winning a tournament. I actually Brainwashed Kirk against BenHosp, but his Nevaar x3 was a solid Plan B. They put a gun to your head to play with more skill-based dilemma, but never addressed the dumb cards that can create any skill on a whim. Great plan Brad. But I digress, the Peak Performance anger has subsided. It's been replaced with acceptance, that Teir-1 has been reduced to crap. I used to pride myself that I could play any affiliation and go at least 3-1 with it, no matter what. Well, in my cut-throat meta, those days are over. Quite simply, unless you play Borg or OT Kirk, you're probably going to run into some bulls*it that's going to beat you. If Worlds was tomorrow I would be 100% forced to play Borg. Quite frankly, that's just sad. This game used to be better than that. So after getting home I find out that the baby decided to put some of the cards in my deck behind the radiator (I mention earlier in the week that the baby learned how to climb on the kitchen table and my cards got attacked). My deck was missing one Telepathic Deception (the dilemma the pile is based around), one Dangerous Liason (former "good card") and one Romulan Scout Vessel (meaning I played a deck with only 2 ships). Luckily I still has 21 cards left in the pile or I wouldn't been playing an illegal deck the whole time. Today's GCBC summaries will be brief, after today I need to go pound some freeweights and pound some beers.

Good Card: Telepathic Deception

Why: The only fun I had today was when I played this on Alex and I did the Wayne's World noise where they change endings at the end of the movie. As for the card, of course this is the backbone of a FSE deck. But it might merit consideration in any standard pile. One side has telepathy and attributes, that's easy to track. The other, exobiology, which some decks struggle with. This card is an oldie, and a goodie.

Bad Card: Lursa, Romulan Conspirator

Why: Until the mission Assess Contamination came out there was never a reason to use Lursa. Her skills suck and she is ugly. Now her skills are a little useful... but she still is ugly. In my 5 point loss to Ed "Big Time" Kime I attempted that mission and Ed pulled Lursa with a Hard Time out of 12 people to stop me. Ed..... great shot, I remember when I could so stuff like that. Lursa.... you're dead to me.

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