Saturday, June 23, 2012

Good Card, Bad Card #70

I could've used Bev's sexy little milf ass last night. After a night of PBR, Jameson whisky and poker (a demon's triangle if there ever was one) I had the unfortunate experience of waking up in the middle of the night expelling those demons. Two problems though: one, there's was nothing in my stomach so it was just dry heaving. Two, I was only 10% awake, so I was still semi-dreaming while violently hacking up a lung. BenHosp told me to Google 'planet Kolob' once and I did last week. This happened to be floating in my subconscious when this happened. Having weird Mormon things flying around your head while you body is going through terrible convulsions is just too much to handle.

My medical problems aside, let's take two cards from one of my favorite v-sets, Tacking into the Wind today and give them their due.

Good Card: Xhosa, Sponsored Transport

Why: When I made my recent Bajoran deck for Regionals I overlooked the new Xhosa. The first one sucked so much I didn't give the new one it's fair shake. On a whim I took out the Talnot (which did me little good since I played few events), and tossed in the Xhosa. Next thing I knew I was rescuing Basso Tromac from the discard pile every other game. I caught myself saying the Bryan Sykes line, "That's mad tech." There are some drawback though. I hate the cost. I hate the attributes. If the ship gets damaged things get a bit hairy. But staffing is a piece of cake, and the ability to bring Bajorans back to life like Lazarus makes it worth the price.

Bad Card: Arrogance

Why: This is one of those card that will only see the light of day in terrible virtual or sealed formats. Other than that, I absolutely see no point in packing this dilemma in my pile over a sure-fire 1-cost space stopper. A set-up or random chance to get a random stop? That is terrible stuff. If I got to choose the stop maybe I would consider it. Considering how shaky it is, it should probably cost zero.

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