Monday, April 04, 2011

Good Card, Bad Card #38

The last 4 days have been a blur of driving, poker bad beats, throwing dice with black guys, boardgames, beer, star trek trivia, scotch, yuppies, star trek ccg, more driving, wrestlemania and a lot of yelling at BenHosp. At one point I was so sleep deprived and delirious I told him I wanted to put Phil's beard on him and perform a sexual act on his face. Yeah, it was that kind of weekend. Almost like a GenCon experience. That's why I love Regional season, it's an excuse to travel to a place you have no business in and act a fool. Overall it was a great weekend, other that losing to the BenHosp Klingon deck for the 10,000th time it was fantastic. For GCBC we're on to the set Raise the Stakes. This was a 90-card set, which I wasn't a fan of. I think the CC should stick to 45 card sets. I think smaller, better sets are the way to go. After the debacle that was Peak Performance I think ever set needs to be tested thoroughly.

Good Card: He Wasn't Nice

Why: This card is good because you can get your opponent in two different ways. One, you can take out his main guy, like Archer or Kirk. Two, you can take out 3 personnel if he's got 3 of a non-unique out. With this dilemmas being printed zero, but +5, it gives you protection. It can't be nerfed by Access Contamination or Donatra. It also allows for it to be downloaded with Uninvited. I like cards that give me options and this dilemmas gives you just that.

Bad Card: Leverage

Why: I still have no friggin' clue why anyone is supposed to use this card. So if I'm playing against capture I'm certainly not going to give him more, I'd rather get my guys killed. Another suggestion to me was that it was a defense against Tragic Turn. Well, it doesn't work on stopped people so it's not really helpful. It goes in the category of the card This Side of Paradise. A card that doesn't do what it was designed to do. Proving that up until recently there was a serious disconnect between Design and Tier-1.

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