Saturday, October 06, 2018

Good Card, Bad Card #98

Location: North Little Rock, AR. Back at HQ, my "new" truck lasting one day before breaking down. 
Pic: Playing Greg Hodgin back in an Atlanta Masters a few years back.

To find our Good & Bad cards today we're going to use the 'recent decks played' list. Which is always a sure-fire way to make you feel shame as a designer.

Good Card: Ingenious Jury-Rig

Why: Nerd fun fact. Jury-Rig comes from the French word 'jour' (day), like soup de jour. As a truck driver I'm used to have to bungee some broken stuff 'for the day'. Back to the card, plenty of 'recent decks used', so I'm not about to have any hot takes on this card. Maybe I can remind some people of other uses other than giving Shran the finger. McCoy is a motherfucker, especially in that pesky 8472 deck. Although ACE piles are finally out of fashion, I really enjoyed informing my opponent that his Bold Plan won't be returning those ACEs that just murdered my guys from beneath that incomplete mission.

Bad Card: Devastating Melee

Why: The Nth Degree has been out two weeks shy of a year now, so I might be premature on this card. I was worried when we released this card. Murder is tough mechanic to design. You can't go too far, that'll create NPEs. And if you don't go far enough you make binder fodder. This was an uber-murder card to boot, we were throwing a dart and had to hit a bullseye. I don't think we got it. It obviously is made to combine with the kill effect of the Kar'takin. If you have three of those out, you get a combined six kills. That's more murder then the Klingons can dish out with All-Out War and Ferocity. I guess the difference is the resources required to set it up. You have to go all-in with this build of deck. Even using the Iconian Gateway mission to chase down any hiding opponents. With Dominion though, you have quite a number of other options when making competitive decks. Stack-a-lacka, Crippling Strike, old school Infiltration. That probably relegates this type of uber-murder build to local level/fun deck status. 

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