Friday, October 05, 2018

Good Card, Bad Card #97

Location: Maverick Headquarters, North Little Rock, AR

Pic: Brett Kavanaugh 

Imagine if there were nine NFL franchises. Think about how elite each starting quarterback would be. This weekend, the Senate will confirm Johnny Manziel to the United States Supreme Court.

Good Card: Archaic Snare

Why: Those requirements are serious. Even without any filters to set it up this has a solid chance of hitting. It worked for me against a Borg solver straight up. No Archeology and one Engineer short. When it does it, then the real fun begins. Especially if they're using a 2 span space mission, and enjoy flying back and forth. Just be careful and not use it in a battle or assassin deck. That effect goes both ways.

Bad Card: Armus Roulette

Why: Mr. Miracle's recent thread on the boards has me thinking Premier dilemmas.... this one is a doozy. I recall seeing this card used one time. The very first sealed event I played in December 2002. Even then it missed.  It only has a chance to hit against a pure weenie deck. Even then any attribute cheater will overcome it, and you just wasted 4 counters. You're better off using those 4 counters for anything else. This card suffers from "Premier Costing Syndrome". There are a number of cards (like Cry "Havoc") that miss that mark on costing big time. It was after years of 1E, a game with two cost: One and Free. We'll have to cut them some slack.

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