Thursday, March 31, 2016

Good Card, Bad Card #90

Location: Madison, GA

I was all ready to do my first Good Card retraction. Like I said last time, Disconcerting Displacement wasn't being used by anyone, so I decided to see if I could make something of it. I was rolling through Josh Sheet's area, from Wisconsin to Georgia, so I stopped by for a game. After 6 months of not making any new decks (except for the family, for #ATLMasters), I finally forced myself to make something new. I was running a kill pile (not 20 card ACE scumbag, but old school TT), and Josh splits his crew between the mission he just solved and the one he's attempting. So when he attempts, I play Displacement. Now I have to make an educated guess what four personnel he left to staff the Enterprise-E. If I'm right, I'll destaff the ship, stranding it at the mission. Making it a little easier is that "The E" requires two command stars to staff, so that narrows the choices. He has a couple of Rixx running around, but Displacement requires you to name a unique personnel. I say "Babyface Riker" (Riker from Necessary Evil). He's on The E, so now he pops into the attempting crew. Like a scumbag, I draw TT and the first consume is an ACE. I name Anthropology and randomly select Babyface Riker. Flawless Victory....

Since I did Josh dirty, I let him pick today's cards. The theme being the same character.

Good Card: Weyoun, Instrument of the Founders

Why: The card is mostly average. I'm spending three, getting 5 skills. That's nice, but most of those skills are Dominion heavy. Intelligence and Treachery is common for Founders. I'm going to get Exobiology and Leadership (and my gained Security) on my Jem-Hadar. He's got Diplomacy. Nice, but I'm always going to be struggling to get past Gomtuu. The thing that makes this Weyoun Good is that he not going to slow you down solving the mission. When playing Dominion sometimes you get too many Jemmies stopped and you just fall short on strength because of those pesky 4 strength Vorta. Well, this Weyoun has been working out, he'll be at 6 unless something goofy happens. But I'll be making sure there's a 10 strength Founder Architect with him. Because I like getting my Founder on the cheap.

Bad Card: Weyoun, Scheming Negotiator

Why: Two Weyouns in Call to Arms and neither are the matching commander for the Tenak'talar. Whoops. Somebody fell asleep at the Design wheel. This card was from the first CC-era set, The Undiscovered Country. I'm guessing Brad tried to go back and fix what went wrong. I would've preferred 'Quantum Leap Errata', simply add it to the old Weyoun, than making a Bad Card. He cost 2 and has Science, he's got that going for him. But then we gets to this worthless ability. If you recall, that set had some wonky 'put cards from the bottom of your deck on top' cards. Nobody every used them. I guess the plan was to get dead Jemmies back, use a super-specific event to put them on top, and then pay a counter to draw it, then play the Jemmie again. Bad Plan. Small mistake, but big design lesson to learn. Sometimes you have to let old design mistakes go. Trying to fix them just leads to more mistakes.

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