Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Good Card, Bad Card #78

"If you sleep with targs, you'll wake up with glob flies"
-Klingon proverb

It's a shame Hunter is gone, the Pigs and Fat Men are losing and they have no idea what to do. The face of America has changed and it's too late to play catch-up. Mark Rubio and another guy named Bush won't save you in 2016. They'll be no John Wayne cowboy bullshit riding in to save the day like Reagan in the 80's. The majority minority in America has left the Republican party in the dust, but it was working class white America that gave Obama another 4 years. The Republican party is just undereducated rural folk and the uber-rich, with a splash of christian zealots. I don't celebrate this too much. America is all about competition, it's what makes us thrive. Yet, we live in a monopoly of a two-party system. And one party can't even stay in the game. I'm not advocating more political parties, in fact I despise them all. But I'd like to see more independents in office. The dreamer and the dream, I know....

Today's two cards come from Thomas Kamiura (Bosskamiura) of San Diego or Florida. Whatever state he doesn't owe back child support, I'm not sure. I was lazy so I asked him to chime in with two picks. Let's start with the ugly today

Bad Card: Deep Roots

Why: I had to dig into the files because I thought I did this card before. I'm not sure how it made it this long without hitting the list. I've tried to use this card once or twice back in the day, but it simply cost way too much. Maybe in the early days this was costed appropriatly, but now it's a relic. So many easy ways now to kill events, why bother with this card? Plus, you have to pop it the turn you play it. You can't even risk it sitting in your core for a turn or it might get destroyed itself. Then you just wasted 4 counters on nothing. I'm a big advocate of "bringing sexy back" in Design. I love when old cards are made useful again. Hopefully something can be done with this card in the future. A whole Bajoran Resistance team didn't make them relevant again. Sometimes it only takes something simple to bring a whole decktype back.

 Good Card: Obrist, Temporal Tactician

Why: Mulligans, Mulligans. There were many people that thought 2E needed some sort of mulligan option like in Magic. #1, I disagree. #2, if the reasoning for anything in 2E involves Magic you're probably not going to get my support. I couldn't give less of a shit about his ability. Why? I don't know. Maybe I make good, solid decks that doesn't need this nonsense. Sure, we all get bad beat draws sometimes, that's just part of the game. Even if I pack 2 Obrists in my deck it doesn't mean I'm going to draw him at the same time as I get a bad opening hand. It's still very random. But Obrist is still a Good Card. Why? Because I love cheap NA personnel with skills and attributes. His skills are a little oddball. Anthropology & Archeology have no business going with Physics & Officer, but sure, sign me up. Combine that with a gold star and the mark of the beast, 6-6-6 attributes, and you got a solid guy no matter what.

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