Sunday, July 15, 2012

Good Card, Bad Card #73

Strange part about me liking Torchwood is I can't stand Doctor Who. My girlfriend loves it, but I just don't get it. In fact, that show annoys the shit out of me. But she was watching the mini-series Torchwood: Children of Earth a few years back and I liked it. When the Torchwood: Miracle Day was on Starz I gave it a go. It started off good, got hazy in the middle, then had a solid ending. Now that I'm a Netflix junkie I've watch the first season of Torchwood. It's cheesy and campy sometimes, but all good sci-fi shows are.

For today's GCBC we'll stay with current events and pick two cards from the new set Lineage. Much like Torchwood this set is growing on me.

Good Card: Sense of Obligation

Why: Kill them all. That's my opinion on events. It's not that I hate events. They do all sorts of cool things. They also do lots of bad things. That's why there needs to be many different ways to blow them up. Some decks don't have many options. Then you're stuck playing Grav-plating Traps and a bunch of equipment you don't even need. I don't want to have to pack 7 or 8 extra cards in my deck just to have some form of event destruction. That's why I've been playing Quinn exclusively for the last 2 years. But Quinn is a 'nuclear' option, Sense of Obligation is a scalpel. Sense also doesn't have that annoying 'event in core' stipulation. I never understood why some cards did that. Usually events on a mission are way more problematic then events in core. They need to be just as exposed to destruction as any other event. Sense doesn't have a cost either, which is good, even if your opponent prevents it he won't be scoring 5 points. The drawback is minimal in my mind. Early game it could bite you in the ass, if they're packing At What Cost?. But late game it's almost a non-factor. Any benefit they might get is probably off-set by your need to get rid of something nasty that's in your way. It seems too many decks these days are relying on early events. Cards like Energize, Quintessence, and Guidance of the Council. It's good to finally have a easy answer to junk like that.

Bad Card: Robin Lefler, Pragmatic Specialist

Why: I hate this card. I know, the premiere set version of her kinda sucked, but we didn't need a mulligan on her. Her ability is ehhh, ok. And she costs 3, so it's balanced. So I don't hate it for gameplay reasons. Except the fact that TNG doesn't need anymore tricks. They're the most popular, most played affiliation. Do we need to keep making TNG cards then? I don't think so. Somebody with an Ashley Judd fetish thinks so. It's bad enough when they remake the big characters. We have enough Worfs, Datas, Picards, etc. Now we're remaking two episode jobbers? Give me a break. It's lame. And she has Science? It's like the Battleship Geordi, why do they feel the need to put Science on a engineer? They have no business having that skill, and it doesn't make sense. They do it just to be different then the original card and it's even more lame. There are probably over 100 characters you could make a card for if you felt the urgent need to put a TNG into a set. Stop making people I've seen before. I've said it before, enough with the remakes. Trek has so much, we don't need to be like Star Wars or LoTR CCG's. New faces, I want new faces!


MidnightLich said...

When you look at how few [TNG] cards are in most of those "TNG" decks, cards like Robin Lefler make more sense. She is a reason to use [TNG] cards instead of [E] cards and that's a good thing.

And if 25 expansions isn't a long enough wait for a second persona, I don't know what is.

I'll get off your lawn now.

KillerB said...

One card is not going to make people play less earth icon personnel. But maybe it's a start....

You're always welcome on my lawn.