Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Good Card, Bad Card #45

Back in the day we were asked by Decipher, "What is Genesis?" Turns out, it's a 27-card sub-set that would screw up the game up until this day. We covered OT Kirk way back in GCBC #4, so we don't need to kick that dead horse. We'll get to the other really 'bad card' today. What really pisses me off is the card Cellular Peptide Cake. What the hell is this 1E card doing in a 2E set? More importantly, why is there a bad 1E card in a 2E set?

Good Card: Genesis Effect

Why: Early game, my opponent is playing a 'theme' dilemma pile (Tragic Turn, Overwhelmed, etc), so I can drop this down and protect myself. Late game, I can drop this down and name Excaliban Drama or No Kill I and take out his main planet stopper. You want to get creative with this card you can find a way to blow it up (Navaar, or any personnel that blows up events) and move across the galaxy with peace of mind.

Bad Card: Kruge, Instinctive Commander

Why: It was only a matter of time before I tackled Kruge on GCBC. Let's start off with the fact that he's insanely undercosted. Just think, the Spock in this set is cost 4. Sure he has a few more skills and a little better attributes, but he can't do something in the game that goes above and beyond anything in second edition. Kruge's ability is more of a gamebreaker than OT Kirk's. Kruge's ability says a ship with 4 personnel. That's misleading, it's really 5. Any Klingon battle deck is packing Ferocity, so a ship with 5 is going to end up with 4. So most mission attempts begin with 8 or 9, so all you have to so is chip away three or four personnel and Kruge can wipe them out (Not hard at all with Tragic Turn). It's actually worse than death, because your opponent can't replay unique person you capture. 2E was created because of the NPE effect in 1E of where all your personnel would die on one mission attempt or a good battle deck could completely wipe you out. Kruge brought that NPE to 2E and he's still around.
Today's Pic: Charlie Plaine, with a Klingon deck I made, smashing a sad Brian Sykes the night before the Ohio Regional. The I.K.S. Valdore (thanks to today's 'bad card') blows up a Bird-of-Prey for the win.

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