Thursday, January 09, 2020

Why the Hall, Not? (#2)

Card: Feldomite Rush
Last Year's Vote: 62.9 %
2020 Prediction: 70%

Card: Acquire Illicit Explosives
Last Year's Vote: 54.3% 
2020 Prediction: 67%

Card: Avert Danger
Last Year's Vote: 60%
2020 Prediction: 70%

Let's talk missions. These three "easy missions" were put up for nomination by Maggie Geppert. All of which came up a few votes shy of induction last year. Makes me wonder what's holding some people back. These missions, along with Geological Survey (also one vote short last year), have been around since the beginning of 2E (Avert coming Set 2). Haven't you had enough yet? Designing new missions is one of the toughest jobs. Plenty of missions from the CC era that don't see the light of day. Now some of those are turds and deserve their fate, but some just need some space to grow. The way to do that is to clear the weeds of those 'easy missions' (<32 requirements). That aside, all three of these missions have a long history, good careers. Avert was the 2nd step in the classic TNG Davies Geo deck. That deck was the gold standard the first 5 years of 2E. Acquire Illicit Explosive was the first mission in my Worlds winning Ferengi deck, but it saw plenty of play the decade before. It's 2 range counterpart, Kressari Rendezvous, was inducted last year. It's safe to say any 2 range space mission is destined for the Hall. Now Feldomite Rush perhaps saw less play than these other two, but I recall a number of time three Androids solving this mission and making me sad. So I humbly make the plea for a Yes vote for all three of these missions and many more. It's arguably the most important card type to retire (maybe it's dilemmas). It's where deckbuilding begins, and since Hall of Fame format is all about evolving decktypes it's where our focus should begin. 

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