Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Good Card, Bad Card #77

I wish I posted more of my GenCon pics before going on my usual post-GenCon trek hibernation. I usually don't take pictures. Just a bunch of fat guys playing card and board games for 4 days. Good times, beers and plenty of laughs, but taking pictures of dudes isn't really my thing. But 2012 GenCon was a weird one and produced some great visual moments. Like Van Breeman's "Moment of Win". Charlie has one of me praying to the Divine Treasury during my Continental bracket game with Mike Harrington. He had a 1 in 5 random to win the game, and knowing my GenCon history with random selection I thought it was a good time to turn to religion. It worked, and I now consider bribery a form of prayer. The picture above is after a night of drinking and what BenHosp likes to call a "GenCon Random Encounter". I guess that's defined as when GenCon people encounter regular Indiana residents. These girls were fired up, we were fired up. We had props. BenHosp's trek protest signs and our WCT Heavyweight Title belt. The three guys with them didn't have a clue what was going on, and I don't think they much appreciated the situation after a couple minutes. But they couldn't do anything to stop three drunk girls and about 6 fat, drunk dorks. The next night Ken, Nick Yank and myself tried picking up three downtown yuppie Indianapolis girls at a biker rally (sounds so silly you can't make it up). That mission didn't end well. Who would've guessed two Jersey bums and a English bloak couldn't seal the deal with three executive broads.

So for GCBC, I'm going to take two cards I used Sunday. For once I got my act together and won a tournament. I felt like playing an old school Klingon kill deck. Figured nobody would be prepared for that. I was right for a change and honorable death filled the day.

 Good Card: Security Weapons

Why: I spent a lot of time on my dilemma pile for Sunday. I tried to make some big, odd Unfair Comparison/All Consuming Evil/3-costers dilemma pile, with Subliminal Signal as support. First thing I learned Sunday, All-Consuming and Subliminal Signal don't work together. Deckbuilder fail for me. Wasn't that big of a deal, the pile worked on sheer force. I had all sorts of wicked stuff. Clown: Guillotine (not played in 4 games), All-Consuming Evil (never consumed), Sylvia (never played), Unfair Comparison (played once in four games). The pile worked off of Oracle's Punishments, plus the 8 and 6 cost dilemmas. But one of the "sneaky 3's" was Security Weapons. Every game I played it, and every game it hit for a kill. In fact, in my games against BenHosp's androids and Neil mirror TOS, I won by leaving them one personnel short of solving their last mission. Not entirely because of this dilemma, but every person killed counts. 

Bad Card: Kor, Courageous Governor

Why: Redundancy. My deck wasn't based on past icon Klingons, but I had a number of them in there. I put Kor in to simply be a 4-coster for Call to Arms. I really didn't need him for that, and I realized he's useless for missions. He offers nothing different for Klingons. Skills: Anthro, Honor, Law, Leadership, Officer. Got that in spades. He ability: Klingons are +1 strength while facing a dilemma. Huh? If there's a strength dilemma that I can't pass then I should lose the game. The other two past "Blood Oath" guys are pretty sweet (however, you can use their abilities against them with the 'lose 5 point' dilemmas. See GCBC #71), but Kor should be saved for Mara fodder. Do something cool, pitch him, download Ja'Chuq and earn glory in battle.

1 comment:

Nicholas Yankovec said...

It is saying something when Daryl and Neil turn out to be better wingmen than John and Ken. But then that's what makes Gencon so special.