Saturday, July 07, 2012

Good Card, Bad Card #72

I liked the movie Serenity when I saw it years ago. I never saw the show, but it was still cool. I recently overthrew my Comcast slavemasters and gave up paying for cable and just went with Netflix. Every Trek series (we're starting Season 1 of TNG, by "we" I mean I force my kids to sit through it) and all sorts of neat stuff. That's when I found Firefly. So over the course of two nights I watched the short-lived series. It was a fun show, shame it couldn't survive a little longer. Next up on the Netflix list is either Torchwood (to make my girlfriend, and her Captain Jack crush, happy) or Jericho.

For today's GCBC I have a couple of cards from my attempt to build an Equinox deck for the first time. It was pretty much a failure, but it was fun to play something new. But it does fall into the '2E team trap', where it's really just about getting out a certain number of people and abusing strong abilities.

Good Card: Firestorm

Why: Event 'destruction' combined with a little dual-HQ hate. Nothing wrong with that. My only knock on it is the 'non-decay' stipulation. That's annoying if you're playing against a deck relying on an early Energize (Borg, Klingon, Androids, etc). But if you're playing against a deck with events for dilemma support this really throws a monkey wrench into their plans. Especially if you have multiple Firestorms going on. To really make them sad you can use Optimism to put your hand on the bottom of your deck to keep the Firestorm from decaying.

Bad Card: Good Shepherd

Why: It's really sad that with all the overpowered nonsense in the set What You Leave Behind that the Voyager card is a useless piece of crap. I thought since Equinox had two commanders this card might be worth something. I was dead wrong. I don't like, but I understand the idea behind some cards where you pay early, then break even, then reap the reward later. Cards like Energize and Surprise Party (the latter you benefit right away, but that's a different problem). Good Shepard simply takes way too long and the price is too high for the measly benefit of some free jobbers. Paying two for the event, and having to stop my commander for a whopping three turns isn't worth it. This card needs a makeover. I would make it an order. This way you would be able to speed up the process by stopping more then one commander in a turn. It wouldn't make the card great, but at least it be way better then the current version.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with Good Shepherd. Certainly not the best card ever printed, but if you happen to have a Commander in play early (new Paris, Neelix) and play it on turn 2 or 3, the card is a monster. The stopping someone is not a big deal when you can't attempt that turn anyway. Either wait for the Decay to get three personnel for free, or use Navaar to unload whoever is on there at the moment - I usually go for Tuvix, Thompson, Marquay. Even if you draw it too late, a Voyager deck can still do something with it: turn into two draws with good B'elanna, ditch it to dl a ship, or just play it to make Sylvia etc cheaper.