Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Good Card, Bad Card #62

I was wrong. For some reason I thought Kira Nerys, Ih'valla was in the set Peak Performace. It was in Extreme Measures. I just assumed, naturally, that anything broken must be from Peak Performance. And with so many Kiras it's just fucking impossible to keep track of them all.

So it's Day 3 of my exile from the CC message boards. The "Dork Wars" rage on. But I'll try to spare you any of that in today's GCBC. Unlike them, I have Worlds to prepare for. I played my "C" Deck and "D" Deck Sunday with mixed success. My Android deck couldn't stop the Borg Beast, even with Romulan interrupt hate tossed in. My experimental Starfleet NX Prototype Battle Deck went 1-2. Losing to Klingons and BenHosp's clever two-mission win deck. It was a fun deck to tryout. Guess that's why I don't have a 2000 rating like Australian players can get. I'm sorry, but it says nothing good about a country when a guy can run off 40 straight wins. I know the kid is good, but that would never happen in any other meta. We need to all start chipping in for a plane ticket for the Australian Continental winner to come to Worlds. It makes the rating system a fraud when one person is over 2000 and the next rated player is 1930.

Good Card: U.S.S. Enterprise-D, Diplomatic Envoy

Why: BenHosp had a big comeback on my Sunday with his two-mission win deck. I blew up this Enterprise with a NX Prototype, then two turns later a spooky "Ghost Enterprise" showed up and was solving missions. The lame part is this ship will be combined with cadets and their 2 range (range, not span since it's the same region) space mission. This is a good card because it brings some new freshness to TNG. All the other Enterprise-D's kinda suck. The 'future D' is kinda ok, but it cost 7 and is a pain to staff. Hell, it made somebody play Picard, Genial Captain for the first time. That's gotta count for something.

Bad Card: Unfair Comparison

Why: This card is definitely from Peak Performance. And it's been seeing lots of play lately. I tried it once a couple months ago, and I didn't like it. Why? It's a glorified 'crapshoot' dilemma. That's my term for dilemmas that 'might' do something. Dilemmas like Racial Tensions, Chula: Echoes, etc. Sure, you can build your pile up so the odds are big in your favor. But I've seen this dilemma miss too many time for my liking. Also, it's not immune to stuff like Archer, Reyga and Donatra, since it cost more than 1 and doesn't require a skill. To support this dilemma you need to play high cost dilemmas, which requires you to play 8-costers, which requires you to play events. If your opponent doesn't have much event destruction, you're in great shape. If they blow out your events, you're in big trouble.

Today's Pic: The new logo of the CC.

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