Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Good Card, Bad Card #55

On today's episode of "Blood Feud Weekly", On Monday, when I got back from the Regional in Worcester, a closet Ohio fan I have pointing me in the direction of this from Kevin Jeager's CC Blog, which was written before said Regional:

"Voldemort takes home his first regional win in 2 years when there is no one from the top 50 in player rating there to challenge him. A couple of valiant efforts by some up and comers with potential will scare for a second but ultimately, Voldemort wins but still proves nothing."

You're hating on me for winning the Regional before I win it? Wow, that's taking player hating to a whole new level. You should get a future icon for that kind of hate. Sad part is, Kevin's 'prediction' was spot on. Voldermort, I get it. Funny, I refer to my exwife as "she who shall not be named". Better part was somebody replying to the blog thinking that it was so clever not actually mentioning my name. Buddy, I'm not Beetlejuice, if you say my name three times I won't show up at your house. Or will I.....

The only thing more sad than Kevin's blog is the back-and-forth between Kris Sonsteby and Neil Timmons. Neil sounds like a Nazi sympathiser trying to explain all the 'atrocities' I've committed. The only good part was this from Kris, speaking about his 'threats' of legal action:

"Because his and my economic situations are not the same, it didn’t make sound business sense for me to pursue further and I instead elected to be adult about the situation and abstain from further altercations."

Did he just call me poor? I think he just called me poor..... Well, I can't be mad about that, I am poor. Working poor, but poor nonetheless. At least I'm not alone, 30% of America is in the same boat as me. I'll give Kris his delusion of even having a case for a second. But even then, only after realizing that I have nothing he could sue me for he decides to be an "adult"? Wow, that's real noble of him. Kris, you're the model of integrity my friend. This reminded me of The Dark Knight, when Batman was beating up The Joker in the holding cell. "All your strength, yet you're so powerless."

I digress, let's get back to GCBC. Three sets to go now, and today we have Call to Arms. Which introduced Borg and Dominion into 2E. One is, arguably, the most powerful affiliation in the game. The other, not so much.....

Good Card: Sensing a Trap

Why: Romulans have some fun cards. This is one of them. Forcing Their Hand, Brainwashing are others. Problem is, cards like this sometimes find their way into your Romulan decks, but when it's time to cut 3 or 4 cards this ends up being one of them. But sometimes I play Sensing a Trap because it can 'lock out' your opponents from playing a certain card, unless he wants to pay the toll. It's like the movie Goodfellas. You playing Kirk? F*ck you, pay me. You're playing Terok Nor? I name Tenak'talar, f*ck you, pay me. TNG speed? I name Excelsior, f*ck you, pay me. Cardassian? I name Central Command, f*ck you, pay me.

Bad Card: Psycho-Kinetic Attack

Why: What's the difference between 'Psycho-Kinetic' on this card and 'Psychokinetic Control'? Why are they spelled differently? I really am curious about that. Is it because one sucks and one doesn't? Because this dilemma is pretty bad. I know, it's a starter card, so it's not supposed to be fantastic. But come on, 3 cost, with easy requirements, just to kill one guy? And what if there's not a security person present (or somebody played Stricken Dumb, people used that back then)? Then I might not even get a kill. It's not all bad, at least the image on this card is pretty sweet.

1 comment:

Nicholas Yankovec said...

At least Kris' blogs always make me appreciate my mental health.

Did he seriously contemplate suing you?