Friday, May 13, 2011

Good card. Bad Card #47

This is a rare Friday night edition of GCBC. Usually right about now I'd be at a poker table "working". But since coming back from the Ohio Regional I've been getting beat up, so a break was in order. Maybe I hit a Gypsy on the drive back, because I got some wicked voodoo on me. So I'll take out my anger on the draft set Dangerous Missions. Listen, draft is cute, but it just doesn't work in 2E. Every year, at GenCon, I watch Charlie and other poor saps spend hours cutting out draft packs. Every year I end up playing in the draft tournament, and every year it sucks more than the previous year. Maybe it's just not my cup of tea, nothing sealed usually is. But with v-cards now, it just seems like way more work than what it's worth. Dangerous Missions is also where the concepts of 'teams' came from in v-sets. I'm not a fan of the team concept in every set. Charlie tells me people love teams, but I think it short-sighted way to design cards. Plus, it can lead to bad things, like Damaged Archer. From a business standpoint, I guess Dangerous Missions was a smart move for Decipher. Design 19 mostly crappy cards and charge $15 bucks ($45 to buy all three) a pop. Too bad they didn't pay attention to all that money....

Good Card: Vedek Assembly Transport

Why: This one is kinda simple, Bajorans didn't have any decent ships before, and now they got one. Easy to staff, low cost of 5, and get two of the three keywords on it you'll get to the magic 8 range. 7 is always the worst number, since usually it takes 8 to get to a planet and back. Plus, Bajorans have some 2 span space missions too, that's always an advantage. When you have all three keywords and you attempt a space mission without moving (usually your 2nd attempt) you can't get hit with Outclassed.

Bad Card: James T. Kirk, Irrational Human Being

Why: At least we have a Kirk on the 'bad card' list for just for being a crap card rather than being borderline broken. A Kirk with Anthropology and Security, that's interesting, I'll give him that much. This ability reminds me of something.... oh, the last 'bad card', the Jem'Hadar Umat'Adan. They both essentially lose a guy to boost attributes, but Kirk's trigger is terrible, 'when your leadership personnel present is selected by a dilemma'. Shit, you can't even use this for Chula: The Dice. I really have no clue how this ability is useful. I understand this was a card intended for draft, but that doesn't mean he had to be absolutely unplayable in constructed format. I think I'll just spend 1 more counter and use Living Legend.

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