Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Good Card, Bad Card #40

Anybody who watches MMA is a douchebag. That's been my theory for about 3 years and I'm sticking with it. This weekend they were having some crappy MMA promotion show at the Tropicana were I play most of my poker in A.C. Not surprisingly it was the first time I ever cursed at a guy at the poker table. I decided to stick around because I figured this 'toughguy convention' would be good action. It was, but there's nothing more sad than a lucky toughguy. After my Aces got cracked by 10-8 off-suit I decided to pack it up and go home. Is there a moral to this story? Not really, I just hate MMA, people who watch MMA, worse than them is the girlfriends of the guys who watch MMA. They wear stupid toughgirl hates and act tough. UFC/MMA has created a culture of douchebaggery in America and I simply don't care for it. Anyway, for GCBC we've reached the very first virtual set "The Undiscovered Country". I like this set. I still don't understand how they got the first set so right, then the 2nd set (last GCBC) so wrong.

Good Card: Breaking The Ice

Why: The persistent keyword does make me sad, but this dilemma makes me happy. I don't recall ever playing this dilemma on someone and it not working. This requirements are so easy to track it's pretty hard to screw it up. And trust me, I'm an expert on screwing it up. The other reason I like it is because it changes things up. It takes a usual planet skill, geology, and puts in on a space dilemma. Not only that, but it goes hardcore and puts it x3. This dilemma was a fantastic idea, unlike our next card....

Bad Card: The Cost of Freedom
Why: Somebody who didn't know sh*t about Cardassians had a terrible idea and it became this card. This is another example of terrible risk/reward leading to a bad card. The only attribute Cardassians need is integrity, so getting a cunning/strength +1 or +2 isn't that great. I can use Comfort Women for that. What's the risk? Getting all my people stopped, basically losing a whole turn. No way, screw that. The chance for a couple attribute points isn't worth a wasted turn. I've only seen one person ever try to use this card, and it was a complete failure. This is a card which you have to base your entire deck around and it's simply not that good.


Today's Pic: For some reason last Halloween I bought a giant fake sword. It was sitting in my room and my brother asked, "Why do you have a giant sword in your room?" To which I replied, "Why not have a giant sword in your room?" Months later me and the kids get to HeroQuest #13 'Quest for the Spirit Blade'. Turns out, they look very similar. Connor, already obsessed with HeroQuest, ran upstairs, got the sword, and 'by the power of Greyskull' did his best He-Man impression.

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